On a plane high up in the sky
Below snowcapped mountains are passing by
Up here the engines are hauling
But I only hear how foreign adventures are calling
I will touch you cautiously
I will touch you slow
I will take my time
Until we know where this will go
A touch may give you pleasure
But it can also cause you pain
Real Pleasure only comes
If our feelings are the same
I do not want to scar your skin
I want both our wounds to heal
But yet I do not know
How I really feel
Lover do not turn away
Do not misread my hesitation
I like you way too much
To end all this in more frustration
Cause I’ve been through it all
I have rushed these things before
I broke so many times
My heart can’t take it any more
So lover give me time
Just a little more
And I promise I will touch you
Like no other woman’s touch has felt before
I feel it deep within
a light a glow a shimmering
something rooted in my veins
that guides me on my ways
It’s an inner voice so gentle
and it helps me to dismantle
all my thoughts my fears my doubts
all the bad things that arouse
Sometimes quiet hard to hear
At times shouting through my ear
At times it bursts out of my chest
A love so strong I can’t hold back
I feel it deep within
a light a glow a shimmering
something rooted in my veins
that guides me on my ways
It brings out all the good
all my hopes my dreams my goals
it’s my inner peace my home
let’s me know I’m not alone
Sometimes quiet hard to hear
At times shouting through my ear
At times it bursts out of my chest
A love so strong I can’t hold back
Sometimes quiet hard to hear
At times shouting through my ear
At times it bursts out of my chest
A love so strong I can’t hold back
I run and I run
Let all the thoughts come
I run and I run
Till all thoughts are gone
Your heart knows the way
Don’t let your eyes fool you
While they only see what they know
The heart perceives what’s way beyond
As I watch you sleeping
I try to find out what I feel
Could this be something
Could this be something real
Will we last forever and ever
Are you the one?
And if it gets windy
Can we make it through the storm
Can we be good to each other
Even at times when it seems that we can’t
Can we accept the other
Including all the parts we don’t understand
Can you hold me tight
On days when I’m falling
And can you set me free
On days when the world is calling (for me)
Are we able to let us
Go our own and individual way
Watch and cheer from the sideline
And jump in if one of us goes astray
Are we willing to forgive
All the mistakes we will make
Can we look past our faults
And always see the person behind the mistake
Will we remain honest friends
Throughout the years
And communicate clearly
All of our desires, insecurities and fears
Will we continue to laugh
About nonsense, this mad world and ourselves
Can we keep it lightly
Even if life puts heavy weights on our shelves
Will our bodies still desire each other
Even after the thousandth touch
Still long for the ecstasy
Of which we can’t get enough
Will you still love me
When I’m old and grey
when my eyes and breasts are wrinkled
And my booty shows signs of decay
Will we hold hands
On that day when death invites one of us to leave
Will the memories we have built together
Save us from drowning in grief
Will this life be better
If we stay together?
All of these questions
Are floating around
Do we need all the answers
To figure this out?
Because for now we are here
Wrapped up side by side
and as I watch you breathing
There’s no place I’d rather hide
We’ll just take it from here
One step at a time
No rush and no hurry
Let’s just follow the signs
I’ll give you my all
For as long as I can
For as long as you
Decide to be my man
And then you woke up
And your gaze met mine
I put the questions aside
And our bodies simply intertwined
One woman’s
Is another woman’s
waiting line
I long to talk about all the things I feel
But it’s too much for many
If things start to get too real
When you unpack the garbage in front of their eyes
Start to uncover all of the lies
And you show them what’s really inside your heart
That’s why I put my feelings into my art
My writing, my music, my photography
So everybody who wants can come and see
How I make a straddle
Through life’s constant battle
Maybe they can relate too
It might safe them a sorrow or two
Because we are all wading through a puddle of dirt
With clenched teeth, scratched skin and a torn shirt
Fidgeting blindly and lying prone
But all of us have to fight this battle alone
No one else can remove your pain
All they can do is hand you a cane
For you to lean on
For you to carry on
Because we can help each other if we share
How we feel when we end up down there
Helpless, anxious and with no hope
Maybe as a last resort we even start to pray to the pope
But you do not have to wander all the way to Rome
Eventually all the roads lead to your home
To your soul, to your self
And don’t doubt your mental health
It can’t always be sunshine and rainbows
What life’s struggle really shows
Is how much potential you have
And with each breath you manage to stay alive
Though you may have reached your physical height
Your spirit grows further and may take flight
When you look back and you see how far you have come
You’ll realize that we are all one
So we should share our view
Especially if we made it through
We have to go back and pick those ones up
Who are still struggling, who are still stuck
Because next time it might be us who need direction
Or a bandage for our soul’s fraction
And I can truly say
That art has already saved me in so many ways
When you know you are not the only one
Who feels empty, scared and alone
That already eases the dark
It’s like borrowing a lighter to ignite your own spark
Our greatest gift is to learn from and with each other
We’d still live in caves if we acted completely separate from one another
That’s why we should talk about how we are feeling
It’s not selfish, it’s healing
So with my art I try to draw a map
But please never forget
That this is my way and might not be yours
But it might inspire a lost sailor to find a new course
With this wilder mind
I am the wandering kind
My restless feet take me around
I am not made to settle down
Always moving never still
Daily routines makes me ill
A constant hunger for the new
Infected with the travel flu
Freedom hunter on the move
Searching for a deeper truth
Forever trying to find out
What this life is all about
Guided by my spirit’s lead
At the pace of my heartbeat
I have everything I need to know
To find out where I have to go
I’m just so tired
Trying to explain
The state that I’m in
That I feel all this pain
It’s so dark where I am
the last match has burned out
And nobody hears
How I desperately shout
And I am so sorry
To put that burden on you
You’re my last resort
I don’t know what else to do
I need you right now
I’m falling apart
There seems nothing left
The world is breaking my heart
There’s this question
That keeps me awake
How can something so shattered
Continue to break
Wie kann Liebe wachsen
Und wo bekomme ich die Saat
In meinem Supermarkt um die Ecke
Im Fachhandel
Oder bestell ich sie besser online
Wie bringe ich sie zum Keimen
Welchen Nährboden verwende ich am Besten
Wie viel Licht braucht sie
Wie viel Aufmerksamkeit
Wie viel muss ich selber tun
Und wie viel wächst sie ganz von alleine
Wie weiß ich, wann sie einen neuen Topf braucht
Wenn ihre Wurzeln zu groß geworden sind
Und sie plötzlich mehr Platz einnimmt als zuvor
Was passiert, wenn ich mich verändere oder umziehen will
Kann ich sie einfach umstellen
Kann sie sich so einfach an eine neue Umgebung gewöhnen
Und wenn wir in verschiedene Richtungen wachsen wollen
soll ich dann meine Bedürfnisse zurückstutzen
damit sie weiter in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung florieren kann
Oder ist es dann sogar besser, sie zurück zu lassen
Damit sie einen neuen Besitzer finden kann
Der sie Artgerecht behandelt
Was passiert, wenn ich vergesse sie zu gießen
Wie schnell trocknet sie aus
Wie lang danach kann ich sie noch retten
Welchen Dünger kann ich verwenden
Ist es gut mir ihr zu reden
Wie viel meiner Aufmerksamkeit widme ich ihr
Ohne sie zu ersticken
Oder lass ich sie lieber sein
Gebe ihr Raum
damit sie ihrem natürlichen Wuchs folgen kann
Weil sie sich am besten selber heilt
Und falls sie trotz aller Fürsorge eingeht
Ist es wert um ihr Überleben zu kämpfen
Wenn ja, wie lange
Wann weiß ich
Dass aus diesen kahlen, dürren Ästen
kein neues Blatt mehr sprießen wird
Und was mache ich wenn es wirklich so ist
Wenn alle Lebensgeister daraus entschwunden sind
Heißt das dass ich keinen grünen Daumen habe
Dass ich über kurz oder lange alles zum Verwelken bringe
Oder war es einfach nicht die richtige Gattung für mich
Soll ich sie dann sofort wegwerfen
Oder lasse ich die kargen Überreste noch etwas stehen
Gieße weiterhin die trockene, tote Erde
Und verleugne die offensichtliche Wahrheit
dass sie nicht wieder austreiben wird
Wie lange muss ich trauern
Wie lange werde ich an ihr Absterben erinnert
wenn ich andere um mich herum blühen sehe
Folgt wirklich auf jeden Winter auch ein Frühling
Wann ist es Zeit zu akzeptieren
Wann ist es Zeit loszulassen
Wann ist es Zeit eine neue Saat zu säen
Why is it that there are so many
Who love me for me
But for you I’m never enough
Although I’ve tried so desperately
Why do you persist on trying to change
The way that I’m living
You better take me as I am today
Because tomorrow’s not given
It’s so hard to keep up these roles
Of our happy faced masquerade
When do we finally stop
To play our wicked game of charades
I am done with fighting
Feeling like I am never enough
If you do not take me as I am
You do not deserve my love
You don’t need to be perfect
You put that pressure on yourself
You say to you all those things
You would never dare say to anyone else
When you look at the mirror
All you see is faults and flaws
Constantly comparing what is
To what once was
Wrinkles and lines
Red dots and scars
Thinning, grey hair
Too much weight and stretch marks
When will you see that they are nothing
But a beautiful gift
A visible sign and a constant reminder
Of all the years you have lived
Signs from everything that brought your here
Tracing back the long way you’ve come
All the roads you have traveled
All the battles you’ve won
You’ve been through it all
You’ve made it till here
Still, you stand in front of the mirror
Wishing all of it would just disappear
You want to smooth it all out
Cover it up
Tear down the layers
Make it all stop!
Well, who are you then?
A surfaceless face
A picture perfect model
With an empty, lifeless gaze
I just wish you could see
What I do
This masterpiece of life’s art
Yeah, I am talking to you
Wie bist du nur hier reingekommen
Ich dacht ich hätte alles abgesperrt
Doch da stehst du nun
Mittendrin in meinem Herz
Mit dem Willkommen
Tu ich mir etwas schwer
Das letzte Mal, dass jemand hier war
Ist schon eine Weile her
Die Meisten die bis hierher kamen
Haben mein Haus in Brand gesteckt
Seitdem sitz ich in den grauen Resten
Still und ganz verschreckt
Auch du wirkst leicht verstört
Von dem was du hier siehst
Ich kann sehen wie du zitterst
Weil der kalte Wind dir um die Ohren zieht
Trotzdem kommst du langsam auf mich zu
Und lachst mich schüchtern an
Du nimmst mich bei der Hand
Und auf einmal wird es warm
Ist es wirklich wahr
Dass der Phönix aus der Asche steigt
Und sich mit einem Flügelschlag
Von der Erinnerung befreit
Ich glaube es wird Zeit
Hier etwas aufzuräumen
Um wieder Platz zu machen
Zum Lieben und zum Träumen
When I am sad
I sometimes look at photographs
Of happy days
I look closely
Trying to find
What put that smile on my face
I bow to all the women
Who walk this path with me
Who reign their lives
So strong and fierce and gracefully
I bow to all my sisters
Who suffered all this pain
In a world so full of madness
They stay calm, compassionate and sane
I bow to all the girls
Who manage to grow up
And no man or rule or boundary
Could ever make them stop
I bow to all the mothers
Who nurture humankind
Without their care and love
We’d all die of hunger or go blind
I bow to all the ones before
Who paved this weary way
Who fought for all the rights
That we take for granted every day
I bow to all the women
Who walk this path with me
The world could not exist
Without divine collective femininity